“The hair, the clothes and the accent were revealed to be nothing more than silly distractions.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.


“The joy of last night’s documentary, although studiously uncritical, was that 20 years on he was such a deserving target….Kennedy remains the mock yob he always was, and still plays so beautifully that it doesn’t matter .”
Andrew Billen, The Times

“After an hour in his charming company, the over-riding impression was of a man besotted with music. The hair, the clothes and the accent were revealed to be nothing more than silly distractions.”
Alice Jones, The Independent

“There’s something both ridiculous and enormously appealing about the subject…the strange adopted mockney/brummie accent, the dropped consonants…He makes most sense though when he shuts up, tucks his fiddle under his chin, and plays.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

“A rich celebration of the vulgarity that throbs tumescently in every true Brit’s breeches.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

“A marvellous guide to the hidden caverns of the British sense of humour.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

“Ultimately this series serves up the same revelation every week.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
