The Peel Group has taken full ownership of Dock10 having acquired SIS Limited’s 50% stake in the studios and post-production business.

SIS chief executive Gary Smith said: “Having exited the outside broadcast business it has become clear that the future synergies for Dock10 are more with The Peel Group through MediaCityUK and so this transaction makes sense for all parties.

“We would like to wish Dock10 continued success and look forward to working together through SIS Live. SIS Live has a major connectivity footprint at MediaCityUK through its satellite and fibre operations and continues to invest in critical media content provision.”

MediaCityUK-based Dock10 operates seven studios and a post-production facility that includes cutting rooms, finishing suites and audio rooms.

Dock 10 chief executive Mark Senior added: “I would like to thank SIS for its support as a shareholder since Dock10’s inception in 2010.

“We have firmly established ourselves in that time as a major provider of services to the media industry. We have very exciting plans to grow the business further and look forward to working with The Peel Group to deliver these.”