“Funny and informative, a sweet shower of science.” Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.

Rain, BBC4
“The first of three documentaries about the weather, was funny and informative, a sweet shower of science [ ...] This programme about the most familiar of subjects told us things we did not know. A raindrop is not, for instance, tear-shaped but flat like a saucer.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

Henry VIII's Lost Palaces: A Time Team Special
“The 90-minute extravaganza was a fittingly large affair. With the emphasis on the Tudor kings remarkable productive forays into architecture, this was in essence Henry VIII: The Not Particularly Being a Bastard Years.”
Sarah Dempster, The Guardian

The Gadget Show, Five
This series is proof that gadgets really don't make for good telly, mainly because, unlike cars or wildlife or reality TV contestants, gadgets don't do anything at all; they just sit there and look boring.”
Sean O'Grady, The Independent

Henry VIII: Mind of a Tyrant, C4
“David Starkey put in the second dollop of his biopic, Henry VIII: Mind of a Tyrant. And I'm afraid to say that the nation's foremost telly historian left Tony Robinson and his earnest band diggers in the mud when it came to telling the Henry tale.”
Sean O'Grady, The Independent

Stuart Lee's Comedy Vehicle, BBC2
“Daringly or negligently, BBC2 may have upset Eastering Christians last night by transmitting Stuart Lee's anti-religion stand-up set last night. Benedict XVIII got it in the neck and so did John Paul II, or at least, his marketing man did for selling lollipops bearing his features in Vatican Square.”
Andrew Billen, The Times
