It is so slow and wordy that viewing is an intermittent pleasure at best.” Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.

George Gently, BBC1
“So it went on, slowly; Gently v the shady forces of the republican army.”
Anna Pickard, The Guardian

George Gently, BBC1
“It is so slow and wordy that viewing is an intermittent pleasure at best.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

7/7: The Angels of Edgware Road, C4
“It was a story that deserved telling, but it deserved a much less sentimental telling than it got.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent

Drama Trials, ITV3
“An expanded version of a very cheap BBC idea.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Midsomer Murders, ITV1
“Raise your glasses to the unsung chorus of Sunday night escapism.”
Anna Pickard, The Guardian

Last Choir Standing, BBC1
“The programme itself, unfortunately, is obedient to every cliché of the talent show genre.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, Independent
