“Bonekickers is, it has been noticed, only a syllable short of bonkers.” Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.

Bonekickers, BBC1
“Bonekickers is, it has been noticed, only a syllable short of bonkers.”
Nancy Banks-Smith, The Guardian

Bonekickers, BBC1
“I do wonder how many archaeological mysteries there are left for it to dumb down.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

Charles Wheeler: a Tribute, BBC2
“A four-year-old film with bits added hurriedly.”
Nancy Banks-Smith, The Guardian

Britain's Missing Top Model, BBC3
“Britain's Missing Top Model, in its fourth week, is turning into the nastiest programme on TV [... ] There is something very wrong about this programme.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

Britain's Missing Top Model, BBC3
“The programme has some trouble sustaining its wider remit.”
Thomas Sutcliffe, The Independent

Francesco's Mediterranean Voyage, BBC2
“I, for one, would be happy to watch Francesco da Mosto if he was just strolling around Corby shopping precinct.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express
