'... this was a good, even memorable, end to the season.' Read on for the critics' full verdict on last night's TV.

Horizon: How Does Your Memory Work?, BBC2
“An interesting film all about how memory works.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Horizon: How Does Your Memory Work?, BBC2
“How Does Your Memory Work? was a typically vague and over-general subject for Horizon to cover. The strand needs to return to tackling and explaining real breakthroughs in research. It should lead, journalistically, from specifics. But this was a good, even memorable, end to the season.
Andrew Billen, The Times

Big, Bigger, Biggest, Five
“If my affections for Heathrow were as lukewarm as that elusive cuppa, this show managed to revive them.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Big, Bigger, Biggest, Five
“At times, Big, Bigger, Biggest did perhaps cross the line dividing the impressively methodical from the somewhat plodding.”
James Walton, Daily Telegraph

True Stories: A Small Town Murder, More 4
“It's extraordinary to watch. Extraordinary that we're watching two suspects in a murder case at all. I can't see it happening in, say, Bradford [... ] The whole film wouldn't somehow be incredibly cool, and look as if it was directed by Jean-Luc flipping Goddard.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

Johnny's New Kingdom, BBC2
“A low-tech nature show in which the presenter is usually more fascinating than the wildlife.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Shameless, C4
“By employing a large team of young writers, Shameless is leading the way for British drama to compete with American studios where show runs of 22 weeks are normal. Its creator, Paul Abbott, may be a spectral presence on set these days, but this season's standards have been as high as so many of its characters so much of the time.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

A Small Town Murder, More 4
“... a brilliant but dispiriting lesson in human unreliability.”
Robert Hanks, The Independent
