“I have a strong feeling that Channel 4 is on to something here.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.

The Audience

The Audience, Channel 4

“I have a strong feeling that Channel 4 is on to something here. The format has already been sold to CBS in America, where no doubt it will be schlocked up, and to France and the Netherlands. In Britain, it is low-tech, humane, non-judgmental and more than slightly ridiculous. It worked brilliantly.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

“I could easily imagine such a show being absolutely terrible (to be honest, I did imagine it being absolutely terrible), but this was executed with considerable skill and sensitivity.”
Tim Dowling, The Guardian

“The Audience may be the maddest idea for a reality show since Big Brother was first conceived… Channel 4 should get another series out of it in five years’ time when it goes back to find out whether the mob ruined lives or improved them.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent

Location, Location, Location, Channel 4

“Watching couples talk earnestly about the price of three-bedroom houses close to St Albans town centre is soothing and soporific, like lying in a warm bath tinged pink by your own blood.”
Tim Dowling, The Guardian

The Bletchley Circle, ITV1

“In its bid to engage us with the science behind the magic it’s like the American forensic drama CSI but with headscarves, rationing and a bit of male-chauvinist piggery thrown in.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

Wartime Farm, BBC2

“What was intriguing here was the reminder that, provided there was a sense of shared adversity and common purpose, minimum wage and long hours needn’t be incompatible with happiness.”

Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent

Hilary Devey’s Women at the Top, BBC2

“Smart as all these solutions sounded, nothing could really get around the major Catch 22 of the whole affair. There aren’t that many women in the upper echelons of business because there aren’t that many women in the upper echelons of business.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

The InterCity 125, BBC4

“The InterCity 125 was well subtitled The Age of the Train… But although the film reminded us how hated BR had become in the 1970s, it erred in failing to say how the story ended.”
Andrew Billen, The Times
