“The honesty and generosity of the young participants made for a wide-ranging portrait of Gen-Z” 

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Children of 9/11: Our Story, Channel 4

“It became a powerful retort to the terrorists behind the attacks. For these young people, “the day everything changed” actually changed very little.”
Benji Wilson, The Telegraph

“This two-hour documentary was both unspeakably tragic and oddly unsentimental.”
Christopher Stevens, Daily Mail

“As a documentary about 9/11, this didn’t quite work. But the honesty and generosity of the young participants made for a wide-ranging portrait of Gen-Z.” 
Emily Baker, The i

“Children of 9/11 was remarkable, focusing on six young people who lost a parent in the terrorist attacks 20 years ago yet never once straying into mawkishness or prurience. Actually it was strangely uplifting, a testament to the extraordinary resilience of children.”
Carol Midgley, The Times

The White Lotus, Sky Atlantic

“It’s beautifully precise in its pacing and the performances are uniformly terrific – it’s that the show has a real mischievous edge, setting up characters only to destroy them by a form of narrative water torture as we’re drip-fed new information about their various vanities.”
Benji Wilson, The Telegraph

“All this is delicately anatomised over the course of a strong story just soapy enough to let it slip around easily but not so much that it doesn’t snag your attention.”
ucy Mangan,The Guardian 

“Aside from that surprise birth, there wasn’t much action, but the foreshadowing of death and compelling performances kept this ambling episode interesting. The White Lotus isn’t quite a must-watch just yet, but if the hype from across the Atlantic is to be believed, the stage is set for one of the most intriguing series of the year.” 
Emily Baker, The i

”The contrast between staff and guests yields endless material: entitlement, vanity, sex, substance abuse and obliviousness on one side; drudgery, forbearance and oppressive corporate management on the other. It’s a tribute to the brilliant ensemble cast, and the script, that The White Lotus never relaxes into easy stereotypes”
Ed Cumming, The Independent 
