“Extraordinary’s superpower is its freshness”


Extraordinary, Disney+

“It’s funny, naughty and full of the highs and lows of a writer given leeway to try some stuff out. In a world of big streamer, big budget, often big-bore television, Extraordinary’s superpower is its freshness. It’s not always extraordinary, but it’s never dull.”
Benji Wilson, The Telegraph

“The show is surreal and subversive, funny and filthy. It’s packed with off-the-wall jokes and visual gags and a twist towards the end of the first episode delivers an unexpected emotional kick that took me by surprise.”
Neil Armstrong, The i

“The series is largely driven by Jen’s fury and Tyers’ energy and when she is off screen a flatness (aggravated by a couple of weak performances) creeps in. But it’s got just enough heart and good, unexpected one-liners to keep you coming back for more and to mark 28-year-old debut writer Emma Moran as one to watch.”
Lucy Mangan, The Guardian

“The footage is more than just a curiosity, it’s a precious glimpse of everyday lives long vanished. While you may have kept half-considering switching channels for something cheerier, something easier, you instead found yourself being immersed deeper into the close-ups and the drip-feed of discoveries.”
James Jackson, The Times

“The Storyville film Three Minutes: A Lengthening is a combination of historical investigation, documentary and art piece. It is astonishing.”
Rebecca Nicholson, The Guardian
