“A perfect treasure.” Read on for the verdict on last night’s TV.

“This series manages to combine things you’re glad to know with sights you wish you hadn’t seen but that one was a perfect treasure.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

“Anyway, apart from shark cliches, and the odd dodgy stat, and the effort to persuade us that sharks are cute…this was a fascinating programme.”
Sam Wollaston, The Guardian

“Charlie’s sojourn…plucked your heart. It’s hard to imagine any foreign correspondent or celebrity asking more pertinent questions than she.”
Andrew Billen, The Times

“Fine motives aside this series has often proven very annoying. Yet Charlie seemed determined to do things differently. At the same time as showing respect, [she] didn’t have the absurd, walking-on-eggshells disease of many a Western commentator.”
Matt Baylis, Daily Express

“While Father & Son isn’t perfect, its virtues are more than enough to make you forgive its small failings…Britain’s Got Talent may have ended, but this dark, serious, thoughtful thriller is a much better way of making the same point.”
Tom Sutcliffe, The Independent


“I’ll miss Neil Cross’ preposterous dialogue, and the sheer heft of Elba’s performance, but not much else about this a so-bad-it’s-bad hymn to testosterone.”
Andrew Billen, The Times
