Ascent Media and BT have entered into a strategic alliance to provide permanent standard definition connectivity between the world’s two largest video switch communities.

A new switching platform will enable broadcasters and news networks located in New York and London to instantly import and export content between video switches.

Transport services will be provided for standard definition media content with full-time, dedicated connections between Ascent’s Waterfront Switch in New York and the BT Tower Switch in London.

Full access to all venues and television connections in both cities is available and an HD service will be introduced later in 2010. 

BT Media and Broadcasts vice president of Global Sales and Marketing Mark Wilson-Dunn said: “This is an important step towards the formation of a global eco system to support the creation, movement and monetization of content.”

The International Switched Video Services feature dedicated JPEG 2000 transport stream at 50 Mbps with 2-channel audio at 7 Mbps.