Lino allows all production assets to be created in Unreal tfor video wall content, on-air, pre-production, and virtual production graphics

Zero Density Lino motion graphics

Zero Density has unveiled Lino, an all-in-one motion graphics platform.

Using Lino, all production assets can be created in Unreal, using Unreal Motion Design, to be used in video wall content, on-air graphics or pre-production motion graphics and virtual production graphics.

This hopes to reduce complexity for operators by having a single platform for all graphics, which also aims to cut production costs.

It is available as a turn key solution, including the Reality Hub control interface, render hardware and support in a subscription model or as a perpetual license including Reality Hub and hardware with optional support.

Ofir Benovici, CEO of Zero Density commented: “In 2016, Zero Density revolutionized the industry by being the first to introduce game engine rendering technology into the broadcast domain. Eight years later, we’re ready to transform the graphics ecosystem once again and bring back the utopia of a single graphics platform. Creative workflows for real-time motion graphics, LED video wall content, and virtual production graphics; all can be operated via our Reality Hub. We are excited to push the limits of what’s possible with the ‘Create once, use anywhere’ mindset.”