Endemol's fourth series of Big Brother has got a new title sequence from Skaramoosh. Directed by Chris Howe, the titles are made up of several camera passes layered together to give the impression of a house bustling with people. John Cryer graded and comped the images on Avid DS, the brief being to give a glossy, colourful and amorphous feel to the sequence. Lastly, elements of the updated logo were incorporated to give the impression of looking through colour-refracting glass. Tim Woolcott did the offline at The Joint. Skaramoosh previously produced the titles for Celebrity Big Brother.

Endemol's fourth series of Big Brother has got a new title sequence from Skaramoosh. Directed by Chris Howe, the titles are made up of several camera passes layered together to give the impression of a house bustling with people. John Cryer graded and comped the images on Avid DS, the brief being to give a glossy, colourful and amorphous feel to the sequence. Lastly, elements of the updated logo were incorporated to give the impression of looking through colour-refracting glass. Tim Woolcott did the offline at The Joint. Skaramoosh previously produced the titles for Celebrity Big Brother.