IBC 2013: Eyeheight will introduce the latest addition to its range of broadcast signal compliance software at IBC.

The new complianceSuiteAPP is a plug-in legaliser for Adobe’s Premiere Pro editing software.

The Eyeheight software includes a plug-in legaliser, safe-area generator and graphic measurement toolset.

It enables users to verify and conform content from within their Premiere Pro graphic interface before it is submitted to a file-based quality control system.

The legaliser is designed for use with high-end video source files used for broadcast content production.

It supports any combination of file formats and source colour-space available in Premiere Pro.

ComplianceSuiteAPP can perform composite, RGB, RGB-plus-Y and simultaneous composite-plus-RGB legalising, all with user-adjustable soft clipping at high and low thresholds.

High-precision colour space conversion allows accurate limiting to ensure gamut compliance while keeping the full gamut available for creative use.

Users can select from an extensive range of presets or work in custom mode, which gives full access to 15 configurable parameters.

A safe-area generator provides an extensive range of broadcast safe area markers covering all the requirements for SD, HD and 2K, including 16:9 and 14:9 requirements in SD.

Administrators can modify the set of markers available to users, add new custom markers or restrict access.

Hall 8

Stand B97