Media management firm JCA is investing £600,000 in new kit for more storage and transcoding capacity.

The West London-based company said the increase in demand from the digital and distribution sectors could also prompt a move to larger premises.

JCA managing director Simon Kay said the need to distribute content to an increasing array of plat forms and channels was helping to drive the company’s growth.

Kay said that in addition to the rise of digital workflows, JCA had seen a considerable increase in demand for file-to-tape services.

He said: “Many broadcasters have taken on digital if they are new entrants, but there are still a lot out there with an infrastructure that is not geared towards file delivery.”

The funding for the HDCam SR Decks, additional standards conversion capacity via an Alchemist Platinum HD, XDCAM, further PFClean licences and Mac workstations has come from bank finance and leasing.

JCA has also expanded its quality control facilities and now offers HD and SD Harding across file and tape.

Kay said he was in talks with property agents about new premises. He said: “We’re running out of room; we currently have 6,000 sq ft at Monarch House and we need around an extra 40%.

“One option could be to take additional space, or we could move to an entirely new base.”

In January, JCA struck a deal to provide digital media services to US clients via Los Angeles-based SMV Complete Media, and Kay said JCA would continue to develop international partnerships.