BBC Radio Scotland has developed a multiplatform adventure drama that spans a two-part Radio 7 show and an online game.

Legacy, which aired for the first time on Sunday, follows two 20-something siblings as they try to find out more about their family’s history, following clues left for them by their dead grandmother and discovering their mysterious inheritance.

It is accompanied by an audio-led game, hosted on the BBC Radio Scotland website, which has a similar theme of hunting for clues. The game has been developed by games producer DESQ and is closely linked with the radio broadcast, which is available to listen again via iPlayer.

The 2 x 36-minute radio show and game each offer different insights into the characters and locations visited during the drama.

Legacy has been developed by BBC Radio Scotland drama producer David Ian Neville and is a collaboration between BBC Scotland New Media, BBC Radio Scotland and Radio 7.

Producer DESQ
TX Sunday 22 August and Sunday 29 August, 6.30pm, BBC Radio 7