Picture and audio post-production on the investigation

Post Sequence Post

Client Rize USA for Channel 4

Brief Picture and audio post-production on the investigation into the unsolved murder of a British family in the French Alps last year.

How it was done The narrative was constructed using a wide range of archive material, original interviews and dramatic reconstructions.

Colourist Robert Bates created distinct looks for different sections. Witness testimony reconstructions were given a disjointed feel with strobing and muted colours, while reconstructed crime scene footage was enhanced with a cinematic grade.

The footage was composited in Avid Symphony, while the Boris FX Charcoal Sketch effect was used with original footage to create a hand-drawn, courtroom sketch look.

Sequence Post’s audio partner Wise Buddah completed the sound using Avid Pro Tools.

Watch it Thursday 6 June, 10pm, Channel 4