Picture post on the 4 x 60-minute returning drama.

Post Molinare

Client Left Bank Pictures

Brief Picture post on the 4 x 60-minute returning drama in which the four lead characters find themselves in a secret African detention centre.

How it was done Senior colourist Asa Shoul created a strong, bright look with plenty of contrast.

He used the highlight and shadow pivots in Baselight’s film grade to create a filmic curve and preserve detail in the shadows.

Unconventional touches included gold and green hues for a dawn plane landing and brown and green for stifling office interiors.

Characters’ separate lives had different looks, with Rick’s drug-fuelled descent given a cyan look using vignettes and defocused edges to create a tunnel vision and isolated feel whereas Quin’s look is clean and stylish and quite commercial-like to emphasise his wealthy state.

Shoul says the last episode has “a brilliant day for night desert scene where we really went to town to create a trippy feel”.

Watch it Tuesdays, 9pm, Sky 1