Thirty five Ascent Media staff have been axed as a result of the merger of post houses Soho 601 and SVC into One Post. Those affected are being encouraged to apply for other jobs within the group. One Post will have 58 employees comprising 23 people from SVC, five from XTV and 29 from Soho 601, with an additional recruit in motion control. Mark Hewitt, president of the creative services division of Ascent Media UK which owns One Post, commented: 'It's never easy having to let people go with whom you've worked for some time.'

Thirty five Ascent Media staff have been axed as a result of the merger of post houses Soho 601 and SVC into One Post. Those affected are being encouraged to apply for other jobs within the group. One Post will have 58 employees comprising 23 people from SVC, five from XTV and 29 from Soho 601, with an additional recruit in motion control. Mark Hewitt, president of the creative services division of Ascent Media UK which owns One Post, commented: 'It's never easy having to let people go with whom you've worked for some time.'