Red Post Production has completed post work on Channel 4's documentary Ancient Egyptians, a four-part series based on the lives of four real Egyptians. Colourist Simone Grattarola, who worked closely with director Tony Mitchell, said he wanted to

Red Post Production has completed post work on Channel 4's documentary Ancient Egyptians, a four-part series based on the lives of four real Egyptians. Colourist Simone Grattarola, who worked closely with director Tony Mitchell, said he wanted to "portray what it must have been like to live in their world." The director and colourist tested various grades before working on the final cut. They then used the Mega 2 functions on the Pogle workstation to isolate parts of the picture to add "mood and drama to these multi-textured films". Ancient Egyptians airs from 10 November on C4.