Features – Page 3
Behind The Scenes
My Wife, My Abuser: The Secret Footage, Channel 5
Director David Ward explains the sensitivity need to help Richard Spencer open up about 20 years of abuse at the hands of his wife
Behind The Scenes
Queens, Disney+
Showrunner Chloe Sarosh on pulling together a female-led team to capture animal societies where females rule the roost
Behind The Scenes
The Titan Sub Disaster: Minute by Minute, C5
Series PD Daniel Smith on the challenges of shedding new light on the well-covered search for the Titan submarine
Behind The Scenes
Things You Should Have Done, BBC3
Lucia Keskin shot to fame on YouTube parodying sitcoms - Robin Parker finds out how the 23-year-old came to be running one of her own
Behind The Scenes
Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales), S4C
Executive producer Emyr Afan on the increasing the profile of singing contest Cân i Gymru (Song for Wales) with a staging revamp
Behind The Scenes
High: Surviving a Dubai Drugs Bust, BBC3
Director Alex Irvine Cox explains how he and his team stretched their budget to tell a dramatic story set in an exotic location
Behind The Scenes
Deep Dive Australia, Sky Nature
Presenter Lizzie Daly on getting breathtakingly close to the wildlife of some of Australia’s most remote locations
Behind The Scenes
Wilderness with Simon Reeve, BBC2
Chris Mitchell, series producer and director, on filming in remote areas where nature still has the upper hand
Behind The Scenes
Andes Plane Crash, Channel 5
Director Oliver Price on dodging French kite skiers to recreate the remote Andes mountains
Behind The Scenes
Silverback, BBC2
Executive producer Andrew Zikking on a wildlife documentary that went in an unexpected direction
Behind The Scenes
Bariau, S4C
Producer Alaw Llewelyn Roberts explains why she chose to build a prison from scratch
Behind The Scenes
Top 10 behind the scenes of 2023
Including The Piano, 007: Road to a Million, The Long Shadow and Go Hard or Go Home
Behind The Scenes
Keeping It Up: The Story of Viagra, BBC2
Director Stephen Bennett on rising to the challenge of telling the story of the little blue pill
Behind The Scenes
The Famous Five, CBBC
Producer Sophie MacClancy on breaking showbiz rules and bringing classic stories to a modern audience
Behind The Scenes
David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived - how closeness gave the film breath
Creatives behind the HBO/Sky single discuss the personal bonds which made the doc possible and using it as a platform for industry exposure
Behind The Scenes
Connections, Curiosity Stream
Executive producer Iain Riddick on bringing back an iconic series with a modern twist
Behind The Scenes
Mixmups, Channel 5
Creator, writer and exec producer Rebecca Atkinson explains how she mixed play and representation to create a magical new world for kids
Behind The Scenes
One Life: The story of a remarkable hero
How Nicholas Winton’s wartime efforts and heroism inspired a SeeSaw Films/BBC Film feature starring Anthony Hopkins
Behind The Scenes
Endurance - Race to the Pole with Ben Fogle, Channel 5
Series PD and cameraman Alexis Girardet on how October Films’ Channel 5 series was imbued with authenticity and adventure
Behind The Scenes
The Long Shadow, ITV1
Executive producer Willow Grylls on telling the story of the often overlooked victims at the heart of an infamous string of murders