Rendermedia, the 3D animation studio, has completed its animation of the Whittle jet engine prototype for Quanta Films' Whittle - The Jet Pioneer, a documentary about the development of the jet engine in the 1930s. Rendermedia's animator Mark Miles and creative director Steve Green created the model, particle and air-flow effects using Brazil's rendering software developed by Splutterfish and 3D Studio Max. The post was done at The Facility, whose editor Andrew Heathcote used the Avid Adrenaline for the offline and Nitris for the online and the grade. The show airs on the History Channel on 13 October.
Rendermedia, the 3D animation studio, has completed its animation of the Whittle jet engine prototype for Quanta Films' Whittle - The Jet Pioneer, a documentary about the development of the jet engine in the 1930s. Rendermedia's animator Mark Miles and creative director Steve Green created the model, particle and air-flow effects using Brazil's rendering software developed by Splutterfish and 3D Studio Max. The post was done at The Facility, whose editor Andrew Heathcote used the Avid Adrenaline for the offline and Nitris for the online and the grade. The show airs on the History Channel on 13 October.