Elstree Studios is nearing the completion of a £500,000 renovation, including the construction of a control room to serve the facility’s George Lucas Stage.

Managing director Roger Morris said the additional gallery, which has been built in former dressing rooms, would make the facility more attractive to producers of multicamera shows.

In addition to cosmetic improve-ments to the site, a 1,000 sq ft workshop has been converted into a green screen studio, with motioncapture kit installed for CG work.

Morris described the project as a “toe in the water” and said he hoped the renovation would make producers more aware of Elstree’s CG credentials.

Elstree will begin clearing wasteland at the site for a third large stage to be built when the 14th series of Big Brother concludes in September.

Elstree Studios secured £2m in funding for the £4.5m project at the end of last year from Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership’s Growing Places Fund.