Media storage firm Symply acquired by specialist media-industry distributor


Cambridge-based media technology distributor Global Distribution has acquired media storage firm Symply.

Symply makes a wide range of storage solutions, many of them based on Quantum’s StorNext 6 storage management platform.

Global Distribution CEO Keith Warburton said: “We’ve always worked very closely with our vendors but acquiring Symply opens up really exciting new possibilities for us to expand upon Symply’s SAN, NAS and storage product lines and develop comprehensive solutions for media workflows through unrivaled interoperable technologies.”

Global’s acquisition of Symply furthers its partnership with Quantum to deliver storage solutions based on the StorNext 6 platform.

“We are excited to partner with Global to bring StorNext 6 to a far wider base of creative professionals,” said Quantum CEO and president Jamie Lerner.

Under the deal, the Symply sales, engineering and support teams remain in place.