Scheme allows camera owners to swap their old Sony HD cameras for 4K models and make substantial savings

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Sony used IBC 2018 to reveal its ‘Go 4K Now’ plan to enable owners of old Sony HD cameras to hand them back and receive a “significant discount” on 4K cameras. The relinquished HD cameras are then sent to Sony’s production base in Pencoed, Wales, to be refurbished and resold.

Sony head of product management Norbert Paquet told Broadcast: “It’s building on a model we’ve already tried out with a number of customers, who wanted to move from a fleet of ENG HD cameras to the latest generation of 4K Sony models.”

“The used HD cameras we receive are quality checked at Pencoed and the customer then receives credit for each working camera, which can be used towards the purchase costs of a new Sony 4K model.”

The cameras are then extensively refurbished and resold with a manufacturer warranty from three to 12 months, depending on the age and condition of the product.

Sony holds parts for any end-of-life camera for seven years after it’s been discontinued, so the older HD models will be service­able for the foreseeable future.

Sony will use a section of the Sony Pencoed website as a shopfront for the second-hand HD cameras available to purchase through the scheme.