Indies have until 31 January to have their say


Indies wanted to participate in the Broadcast Indie Survey 2025 have just one week left to complete their submissions, before the Friday 31 January deadline.

Broadcast’s annual survey aims to take an in-depth look at the independent production companies which make up the TV industry. 

The responses will contribute to a report exploring the current state of the indie landscape as well as indies’ hopes and concerns for the future. 

The report will be published on 27 March and will be available with the April edition of Broadcast magazine.

To enter, indies should click here to access the online survey.

Please note, when you have sucessfully submitted your entry, a page will appear thanking you for completing the survey. If you do not see this screen you may not have submitted your response.

If you have any concerns, please contact

A PDF document of the survey questions is available for download at the bottom of this story, but must only be used for reference purposes and not returned as a company’s formal submission.

The survey ranks all producers by annual turnover and also gives detailed breakdowns of the fastest-growing companies, the top owners and consolidators and attitudes towards the main commissioning broadcasters and other key industry issues.

This year’s survey will also explore the ongoing impact of the commissioning slowdown on the production sector, how indies have responded to the pressures of the past year and what a recovery might look like. It will also ask how they feel about the use of AI.

Please contact Indie Survey editor Rebecca Cooney with enquiries and Francesca Verdusco for commercial opportunities. 

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