Robot is designed for locations that are inaccessible or hazardous for camera operators

MRMC SR-1 camera robot

MRMC has launched the SR-1 camera robot, a pan-tilt head designed for use in locations that are inaccessible or hazardous for camera operators.

The SR-1 is camera and lens-agnostic and compatible with Nikon cameras including the Z9, D5 and D6, as well as supporting a payload of up to 4kg. The head has an axis speed of 30 degrees per second and a pan range of approximately 120 degrees, and it can be used with both photography and videography.

It has full IP control, is controllable via MRMC’s MHC or third-party systems and is compatible with MRMC’s Polymotion Chat automated tracking software. Overall, the product aims to make new angles possible, and capture shots that would be “impossible”” by hand.

Paddy Taylor, head of broadcast solutions for MRMC, said: “The SR-1 is a powerful new tool for professional photographers and videographers. It is perfect for use in situations where it is difficult or dangerous for a human operator to be present, such as in hazardous environments or at great heights. The SR-1 is also a great option for capturing dynamic shots that would be difficult to achieve manually.”