Shark Attack 360, Nat Geo

VFX Producer Amber Woodcock on bringing VFX sharks to life

Director Luke Korzun Martin with actor and Narco Jean Michele Fueter

Ibiza Narcos, Sky Documentaries

Series director Luke Korzun Martin talks breaking the fourth wall, trying to capture what it’s like being on drugs and trippy visuals

THE FALL - Neil Bishop and MyAnna Buring as Emile and Victoria Cilliers 01

The Fall: Skydive Murder Plot, Channel 4

Series director Guy King on blending drama and documentary to tell the story of a chilling relationship which culminated in an attempted murder


Proven IP vs new ideas: the fight for the future of children’s animation

Eaglet’s Massimo Fenati challenges the kids sector to be bolder in its search for new hits

Guys Great British Power Trip

Why the truth about climate change is a fiendish challenge for broadcasters

The deeply political nature of the issue must be confronted head on, writes Alf Lawrie

Rebecca Cooney index

A painful reshaping of the indie sector

‘A leaner British indie community may emerge in the coming years, one that is more robust for having ridden out such challenging conditions’

Heather Rabbatts

Podcast: how far has the TV industry come since #MeToo?

Times Up UK chair Heather Rabbatts discusses the progress made and setting up the Independent Standards Authority